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Experienced freelance B2B journalist and editor, specialising in fields of renewable energy, energy storage, smart grids and nanotech.
January 17, 2018


Lithium-Ion batteries. A guide to the fire risk that isn’t going away but can be managed


Nedap launches mobile access control reader on MACE platform

Netherlands-based firm Nedap Identification Systems has launched a slim reader for mobile access control.

The reader is the newest addition to the company’s MACE platform, developed to enable smartphones to be used for access control.

The new MACE smart reader reads virtual credentials on smartphones, in addition to conventional smartcards.

“We are committed to unlocking the potential of smartphones as identification technology in access control systems,” says Maarten Mijwaart, general manager of Nedap Identification Systems.

MACE Admin Portal

The company has also upgraded its MACE Admin Portal used to distribute and revoke virtual access control cards. This renewed version includes an API in order to integrate with any access control system.

“It is our firm belief that these innovations will help our partners to realize future proof access control solutions for their clients, whether it is for buildings, parking facilities or events,” said Mijwaart.

Nedap launched the MACE platform in 2017, in response to the global trend of smartphones replacing physical cards. MACE readers support Bluetooth, NFC and QR-codes to identify people with virtual credentials. These are stored in the MACE app.

The technology can be used with any access control system or any other system where people need to be identified quickly, such as parking.

The new smart access control reader supports Bluetooth, NFC and smartcards and is small enough to be mullion-mounted.

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