
Romania equips its prisons with body-worn cameras to help deter confrontations

The National Administration of Penitentiaries in Romania has deployed 2100 VB400 body-worn cameras across its prisons. Read More

Britain’s first ‘smart’ prison launched to cut crime and protect public

A £253million prison, designed to incorporate smart technology, has opened in Northamptonshire to drive down crime and protect the public. Read More

How can security technology support 21st-century prison systems?

Traka highlights how new security technology such as access management is a chance to 're-write the existing rulebook' in prison systems. Read More

Tackling illicit mobiles in prisons by embracing technology

Andy Gent, CEO of Revector, highlights the security threats posed by the illicit use of mobile phones in prisons, and explains how new technologies should be embraced to counteract their use. Read More

New UK prisons set to incorporate enhanced security measures

Four new prisons are to be built across England over the next six years, where enhanced security measures will be incorporated into their design. Read More

How the prison service is responding to COVID-19

Hunter Seymour examines the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the prison service and the challenges it presents to the professionals working in the sector. Read More

“We’re evolving with the drone threat”: Dedrone takes an open platform, multi-sensor approach

David Greenberg, head of global sales at Dedrone, explains how counter-drone solutions can support airports, prisons and critical infrastructure sites in protecting themselves from the threat of rogue drones. Read More

Drug-smuggling drones: How prisons are responding to the airborne security threat

The numbers of incidents where drones have been caught trying to deliver contraband has risen sharply. What methods are the smugglers deploying and how are the authorities responding? Read More

Pioneering anti-drone system installed at Guernsey prison

A Channel Island prison is deploying an innovative new system designed to prevent the delivery by drone of drugs, weapons and other contraband over the perimeter walls of prisons. Read More

Fire safety in prisons: When theory and practice slip their handcuffs

“Inspecting a prison isn’t an al a carte menu where they can decide what parts of the prison they want to inspect, such as food or cleanliness, but ignore fire safety,” says Mark Leech, editor of the Prisons Handbook. Read More

If only our prisons really were like hotels: How ‘Crown immunity’ is hobbling efforts to improve fire safety in the HM Prison Service

In June 2014 Peter Kimberley, the owner of the New Kimberley Hotel in Blackpool, was jailed for 18 months and ordered […] Read More

The many reasons why correctional facilities are turning to aspirating smoke detectors

Traditional technology installed in the return air chase or ductwork can be compromised by an accumulation of dirt and grime and be difficult to access for maintenance without moving inmates, writes Ryan Sandler of Xtralis by Honeywell. Read More

How prison authorities are grappling with the rise of drone-assisted smuggling

There are myriad ways of deterring, repelling, disabling or seizing drones. However, the problem is still so new that prisons around the world are very much in a trial and error phase in deciding on the best solution. Read More

Housing arsonists and reporting 50 fires a week – yet HM Prison Service fails dismally on fire safety

The Grenfell disaster prompted the editor of The Prisons Handbook for England and Wales to issue a freedom of information request to the organisation responsible for fire safety in prisons. What was sent in response he found “deeply troubling”. Read More

Tackling drones, phones and unknowns: innovative solutions for securer prisons

An in depth look at the security challenges faced by prisons and the technology being deployed to surmount them, notably a widening array of drones. Read More

2000ft drone-busting invisible fence erected by Guernsey prison

Les Nicolles prison on Guernsey in the Channel Islands has become the first in the world to use an invisible shield to foil drones programmed to smuggle in drugs, weapons and mobile phones. Read More


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