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September 5, 2023


Lithium-Ion batteries. A guide to the fire risk that isn’t going away but can be managed


ASFP to provide update on the Building Safety Act at London seminar

The Association for Specialist Fire Protection (ASFP) is hosting a CPD seminar at the Aviva Building in London on Wednesday 13 September 2023.

ASFP-AvivaSeminar-23The event will bring together a range of expert ASFP and guest speakers to provide An Update of the Building Safety Act.

Starting at 9.15am, attendees will be welcomed to the event by ASFP Managing Director Mike Ward and Aviva’s Allister Smith.

Industry experts will focus on the impact of the legislation, including the requirements at Gateway 2 and 3, product testing, Golden Thread, and supplying digital data.

ASFP will also offer information on its new Competency Pathway and ASFP Quality Mark.

During the morning, Andrew Moore of the Health and Safety Executive will outline the requirements at Gateway 2, while Wayne Timperley, of the Chartered Association of Building Engineers and Local Authority Building Control will examine Gateway 3 responsibilities.

Views and updates on the Building Safety Act and the Morell report will be offered by the ASFP’s Niall Rowan and Chandru Dissanayeke of the Department for Levelling Up Communities and Housing (DLUCH).

Following a break for lunch and networking with our exhibitors, the afternoon session will include discussions of the Golden Thread from Aman Sharma of Totus Digital and ASFP’s Andrew Taylor.

Kate Milford will then launch the latest step of the ASFP’s Competency Pathway, which aims to set out routes for ASFP members and others to demonstrate competence. Finally, the ASFP’s Tariq Malik will introduce the new ASFP Quality Mark. The event will end at 3.45pm, following a Q&A session.

Find out more information about the event and book your place, here.


EBOOK: Lessons from FIREX 2023 – Emerging challenges in fire safety

Read our FREE eBook, which provides a summary of the key debates and presentations that took place at FIREX 2023 in May, alongside additional exclusive content for readers.

Chapters cover new fire safety construction guidance, how to mitigate the risk of lithium-ion battery fires, and evacuation planning. There's also exclusive insight into the resident's view of the building safety crisis, and how the fire safety and sustainability agendas can work together.


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