Brand Director at Barbour EHS

March 12, 2021


Lithium-Ion batteries. A guide to the fire risk that isn’t going away but can be managed


Webinar: What do the Fire and Building Safety Bills mean for you?

Barbour EHS’s latest webinar focused on the Fire Safety Bill, Building Safety Bill and Fire Safety Order consultation.

The webinar, which took place from 13:00 – 14:00 GMT on Wednesday 10 March 2021, focused on two key pieces of legislation in the fire safety sector and how they impact your business;

  • The Fire Safety Bill
  • The Building Safety Bill

The webinar is now available to watch on-demand.

Click here to watch the on-demand Barbour EHS Webinar: ‘What do the Building and Fire Safety Bills mean for you?


Teresa Higgins, Brand Director, Barbour EHS (Moderator)

Teresa HigginsAs Head of Barbour EHS, Teresa is continuously working with Health, Safety, Environmental, Estate’s and Facilities professionals to develop services that help and support busy roles.

Teresa has worked for Barbour for a total of 30 years and been instrumental in the success of the business over that period.

She has been in this current position since 2014 and previously also held roles at CCH UK, now known as Croner and IHS.


Matthew Canham, Fire Engineer – NFCC Building Safety Programme Team, National Fire Chiefs Council

Matthew CanhamMatt joined Suffolk Fire & Rescue Service (FRS) in 2001 as a firefighter having previously worked as an electrical engineer, progressing through the ranks, and joining Protection in January 2011. He became the Technical / Legal Fire Safety and Fire Investigation Lead in 2017 and was seconded to the National Fire Chiefs Council Building Safety Programme (BSP) Team in March 2020.

He is an experienced Protection officer with knowledge and experience of enforcing the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, carrying out Building Regulations consultations and completing and overseeing Fire Investigations. He is a Fire Engineer with experience of reviewing and commenting on technical reports and information.

As a member of the BSP Team, Matt works with the Government and partners in developing and implementing the recommendations of Dame Judith Hackitt’s Independent Review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety. He engages with FRSs representing their views, providing professional support and guidance on fire safety matters, as well as engaging external stakeholders on development of advice and guidance.

Want to find out more about Barbour EHS? Watch the company’s FIREX Tech Talks session, here!

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