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Adam Bannister is a contributor to IFSEC Global, having been in the role of Editor from 2014 through to November 2019. Adam also had stints as a journalist at cybersecurity publication, The Daily Swig, and as Managing Editor at Dynamis Online Media Group.
November 1, 2017


Lithium-Ion batteries. A guide to the fire risk that isn’t going away but can be managed


Axis Communications-Met Police collaboration triumphs at Fraud Awards 2017

A collaboration between Axis Communications and the Metropolitan Police has won the award for ‘Best collaborative solution’ at the 2017 Fraud Awards.

The two organisations are collaborating to deliver the Camera Optimisation for Retail to Improve Identifications (CORII) project. The project seeks to optimise camera configuration to generate images that the police can use to more easily identify suspects, either manually or automatically through a facial recognition system.


Oncam also won two accolades at the ceremony, which recognises excellence in retail risk and loss prevention. Together with partner Video Analysis Solutions (VAS), the 360-degree video surveillance was named ‘Most innovative in-store solution’ for its Live Customer Occupancy Watch platform and was ‘highly commended’ in the ‘Most innovative in-store surveillance’ category for its one-box video surveillance solution.

DCI Georgie Barnard of The Metropolitan Police Service said: “CCTV and network camera technology are commonly utilised today, but we are not always getting the best from these systems. The results of this project, due to end in early 2018, will create guidance for CCTV users when designing or changing their systems.

“We don’t have to wait for new technology; we can prevent and detect more crime today by improving the way we use the technology already available to use. The National Business Crime Centre will publish the framework nationally.”

Said Atul Rajput, Axis Communications’ regional director for Northern Europe: “We can help reduce retail crime by creating an appropriate framework for the use of surveillance and facial recognition technology within high-street stores. Through the correct use of network security technology, retailers can share intelligence to ensure that crime across all stores is reduced. Greater awareness of the latest security technology available will be crucial to help achieve this.”

Scott Brothers, executive vice president of corporate development at Oncam, said of his company’s award: “Partnership is the key to our success and this award demonstrates how our focus on understanding specific retail requirements delivers real-world results.

“We continually align ourselves with key stakeholders both on the loss prevention and retail side to understand their operation and needs. The collaboration between Oncam and VAS has grown at an ever-increasing rate to ensure we are aligned in how we support the retail community, both technically and culturally. ”

Other winners included the AI Corporation in the Best Newcomer category, Volumatic for the most innovative in store surveillance solution and Jacek Czubak of Adidas for the rising star award. You can view the other winners here.

The Fraud Awards 2017 took place in Leicester following the latest Retail Risk conference, which takes place periodically at major cities around the world.

Representatives from Amazon, Adidas, JD Sports Fashion and McDonald’s were among the judges who considered submissions from risk and security professionals.


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