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Assistant editor, IFSEC Global

September 6, 2019


Lithium-Ion batteries. A guide to the fire risk that isn’t going away but can be managed

installer news

Tyco seeks to “dispel myth” around manufacturer partner programmes

Gordon Morrison

Tyco has launched a campaign to encourage installers of all sizes to become members of its partner programmes.

Tyco’s partner programmes are designed to help installers identify business opportunities and deliver maximum return on their customers’ investment in integrated systems.

Gordon Morrison, GB sales director for the Tyco Security Products access control and video brands, said “feedback from the marketplace indicates that many small to medium size installers believe that manufacturers’ partner programs are ‘closed shops’ and that only large system integrators are able to qualify for membership.

“We want to dispel this myth by encouraging professional installers of all sizes to consider the benefits of one of our partnership programs.”

Tyco has been working to replicate schemes already in place for C-Cure 9000 and Exacq for many of its other brands and products.

“At the heart of all our partner programs is our commitment to provide certificated training courses which representatives from all potential installer and system integrator partners need to attend to qualify to be an authorised reseller,” said Morrison.

“Subject to the number of staff trained and the level of training achieved and maintained, being an authorised reseller comes with a wide range of benefits. These include preferential access to technical support services, marketing support and where relevant, free demonstration software” he added.

“It’s a win, win for everyone involved. Tyco benefits from working with competent installers and system integrators who share our ambition to deliver maximum value from our solutions to their end-user clients, whilst at the system design or tender stages of a project, consultants, specifiers and end-users are able to identify those companies which are best qualified to install and support our solutions.”

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