
Managing Editor, IFSEC Insider

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James Moore is the Managing Editor of IFSEC Insider, the leading online publication for security and fire news in the industry.James writes, commissions, edits and produces content for IFSEC Insider, including articles, breaking news stories and exclusive industry reports. He liaises and speaks with leading industry figures, vendors and associations to ensure security and fire professionals remain abreast of all the latest developments in the sector.
November 25, 2022


Lithium-Ion batteries. A guide to the fire risk that isn’t going away but can be managed

IFSEC Interviews

“DeterTech conveys the full breadth of our integrated risk management portfolio” – Baba Devani on SmartWater’s rebrand to DeterTech

SmartWater Group announced its rebrand to DeterTech back in September this year at Security Essen in Germany, citing the wish to “reflect the full breadth of the company’s offering”. Baba Devani, CEO provides IFSEC Global with further insight into the motivations behind the rebrand.

IFSEC Global (IG): What were the key reasons behind the rebrand to DeterTech?


Baba Devani, CEO, DeterTech

Baba Devani (BD): There were two important drivers behind the rebrand and its timing. Firstly, our capabilities have grown significantly over the past few years, both organically and through acquisition. We felt now was the right time to adopt a single name, purpose and set of values and behaviours that everybody can buy in to. DeterTech properly conveys the full breadth of our integrated risk management portfolio which comprises crime intelligence, access control, site sensors, site security and forensic marking.

Secondly, we’ve just embarked on an ambitious drive to cement our position in the UK & Ireland while expanding the business into Germany, Benelux and the Nordics. The rebrand provides an opportunity to communicate to people across all geographies what we do, what we stand for and our story. It reflects our unique offering of allowing customers across Europe to better manage their risks through a combination of predicting, deterring and detecting criminal activity.

IG: How will product names/recognisable brand names be affected, such as the SmartWater products?

BD: DeterTech reflects our expanded expertise into integrated risk management and recognises the reality that most customers will benefit from multiple aspects of our portfolio.

However, we’re not retiring the previous brands completely. SmartWater will live on in the name of the products supplied by our forensic marking division. Equally, the PID Systems name will continue to be used for many of the products in our Site Security portfolio.

IG: Why ‘DeterTech’ – what do you feel the brand represents?

BD: DeterTech represents the full breadth of our offerings in “Deterrent-based technologies”. The brand represents our purpose in creating peace of mind for people and communities every single day through our values of commitment, inclusivity and ambition in all our internal and external activity.

We action these values by keeping our promises and caring about the impact we have on our customers and each other. We collaborate to deliver the best outcomes, and we act with clear purpose for positive impact. 

IG: What’s the outlook for the future – particularly with expansion into the Nordics?

BD: Establishing DeterTech as a trusted partner for risk management across Europe is a clear priority. Germany, Benelux and the Nordics in particular are very interesting markets where we’re seeing significant excitement and demand for our technology.

We plan to keep developing new services and solutions, focusing on new markets, attracting fresh talent, and building on the innovative and entrepreneurial spirit that got us to where we are today.


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