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December 5, 2022


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Security industry colleagues nominated for Highways Heroes Award for saving man’s life

The brave and quick-thinking actions of two security industry colleagues helped to save the life of a man stabbed in the middle of the night in a central Manchester street.

Jack Scott and Conor Morgan-Judd, who were working for Hardstaff Barriers, of Nottingham, have been shortlisted for a Highways Heroes Award 2022, in recognition of their bravery.

Jack-Scott-HardstaffThey were nominated for the award following the terrifying incident in October 2021, while installing highway safety barriers in Manchester city centre.

On seeing the injured man, the courageous pair immediately dashed to his aid, sat him down and offered him water to drink. They also used the water to wash away some of the blood from his injuries so they could see how significant his wounds were.

A former soldier, Jack used his skills from his time spent serving with the Welsh Cavalry, 1st The Queen’s Dragoon Guards, to administer initial first aid and began plugging the man’s wounds until the ambulance arrived.

The suspected perpetrators reportedly came back to the scene to look for the victim, and, risking his own safety, Conor bravely repelled them from the scene verbally.

HGV Class 1 driver Jack, from Burton-upon-Trent, Staffordshire, said: “I noticed the man on the ground was severely hurt and clearly in immense pain. I ran to my vehicle to grab a med kit and anything else to stem the bleeding.

“I then started to assess the man’s body as well and stem the bleeding from his torso and side. I needed to check his underside for any more puncture wounds that we couldn’t see. With Conor’s help, we rolled him over to check the rest of his body.

“He had very deep lacerations to his side, chest and head. I was relaying information of the man’s injuries to 999 dispatchers. At this point, the Met Police, who were attached to us on the job, started clearing the area.”

Speaking of the victim, Jack, originally from Cardiff, Wales, added: “I feel relieved he’s all right. He was extremely lucky to survive those injuries.”

Martin Lally, from the Metropolitan Police, said: “I have policed the streets of Manchester for 20 years and it’s a fantastic city. Unfortunately, from time to time, these things do occur, like many a big city.

I have worked with Hardstaff now for 18 months – managers, operatives and drivers. I really believe that if it wasn’t for the swift actions of Jack and Conor on the night that this male might not have been so lucky.”

“Good luck with the award, lads. It is truly deserved.”

Jack and Conor will find out if they have been successful at the Highways Heroes Awards ceremony in London on 7 December.


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