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March 5, 2014


Lithium-Ion batteries. A guide to the fire risk that isn’t going away but can be managed

Direct IP from IDIS: Finally, an Affordable, High-Performance HD Surveillance Solution

DirectIP_imgIDIS, which has 1.7 million DVRs installed worldwide, identified a need among installers and end users for a simpler, more affordable, higher quality networked surveillance solution.

Produced in IDIS’ state-of-the-art manufacturing facility, DirectIP resoundingly meets these challenges.

Surveillance solutions are rarely developed, designed and manufactured by a single company. Comprising all necessary cameras, recorders, video management software and accessories, DirectIP is a one-stop, end-to-end HD surveillance solution available from a single vendor.


Complexity, cost and time: overwhelmingly the biggest installation, maintenance and usage challenges facing installers and end users of surveillance solutions.
Installers struggle to absorb the cost of training staff or hiring IT engineers. Expensive, convoluted installation and maintenance, lengthy personnel training and burdensome annual software license fees, meanwhile, deter end users from upgrading their analogue systems.

Small wonder that IP-surveillance adoption was slower than first predicted.

DirectIP solves these problems: it’s quicker to install and maintain – and therefore cheaper, because time equals money – and requires little training and no software licences, bundling Video Management Software (VMS) for free.

DirectIP cuts costs and frees up time and resources – for both installers and end users. Installers, who can service clients with fewer man hours and less training, become much more competitive in the price-sensitive SME markets.

End users will relish the simplicity of DirectIP, as it’s so similar to their analogue systems that there’s little to no training required, making networked and HD surveillance possible without setting up a router or server, or configuring the network. IT expertise is not required.


Until DirectIP, HD surveillance systems fell woefully short of home TV experiences, with real-time viewing scuppered by network latency. Early HD systems lacked recording, playback and simultaneous viewing capabilities too.EASY TO INSTALL_02

DirectIP simultaneously performs multiple, full-HD, two-megapixel, 30ips, real-time streams per channel for up to 16 connections with live monitoring, playback and recording. Seeing is believing, so IDIS offer demos and training for end-users and installers at their dedicated training and demo facilities in Brentford, London as well as their other sites across the globe.

Storage and reliability

End users often view IP storage solutions as risky or expensive. SD cards and cloud storage are seen as vulnerable, while most organisations begrudge having to buy additional servers and IT equipment. At the same time, HD CCTV recording platforms are often sluggish in retrieving recorded footage because Windows file systems usually operate on a random access and random writing basis.

Mindful of this, IDIS leveraged 17 years’ of recording expertise to develop a robust, resilient and compliant recording and storage capability through its DirectIP NVRs. Using patented technology, DirectIP NVRs achieve unprecedentedly rapid footage retrieval through its multimedia database, iBankDB. A highly optimised database designed for video footage, iBankDB uses very high input/output throughput combined with proprietary algorithms, to access data faster and operate even in the event of 90% damage to hard disks, ensuring recording and playback continues on the remaining 10%.

The suite of DirectIP NVRs provide 6TB of storage for the 4-channel range and up to 18TB for 32-channels expanding to 66TB with DirectIP eSata devices. Featuring a patent-protected anti-shock and vibration design, combined with high-performance ventilation systems, DirectIP NVRs have a failure rate of below 0.5% per annum, making them financial institute level security standards, no less.

Data security

The integrity of footage is a paramount concern when organisations upgrade to network surveillance. A package of innovative security protections, such as “Chained Fingerprint”, a proprietary encryption algorithm, SSL encryption and password encryption protects data from tampering and unauthorised access.
For more information on IDIS and DirectIP solutions, go to www.idisglobal.com or e-mail [email protected].

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