
IFSEC Global’s most read in security: 2021 edition

IFSEC Global explore the most read articles related to the security industry published on our site this year. Read More

SME owners urged to be more aware of their mental health and seek help when necessary, following World Mental Health Day

The turbulence caused by the pandemic has altered the business landscape significantly according to The Accountancy Partnership. Read More

Opening moves in new UKCA marking scheme face challenging timelines for fire and security markets

Examining the debate surrounding the replacement of CE marking with UKCA following Brexit, and its impact on the fire and security sector. Read More

Government rejects FIA & BSIA timeline extension requests to the UKCA mark

The Fire Industry Association (FIA) and British Security Industry Association (BSIA) have sent a joint letter to the UK Government, urging a reconsideration of the detail and timelines of the UKCA mark. Read More

“We need frictionless trade”: Vimpex’s James Jones on Brexit and “doing things differently”

EU exports are central to British success story Vimpex, manufacturer and distributor of alarm and evacuation products and accessories. The company’s MD discusses Brexit, UL certification and strategies for exploiting fast-changing export markets. Read More

The video surveillance report 2019

The cloud, AI, face recognition and the impact of Brexit on surveillance projects are among the topics covered in the report’s fifth annual edition. Read More

What will Brexit mean for the fire industry?

British fire safety firms need to take ‘plan b action’ and start preparing for what Brexit could mean when it […] Read More

How will Brexit affect UK fire exports? The sector responds

“When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in Alice Through the Looking-Glass, “it means just what I choose it […] Read More

How Brexit might affect the fire protection sector

The vast majority of fire protection products such as fire detection and suppression systems, construction materials and products, fire stopping […] Read More

How Brexit could worsen the skills crisis in cybersecurity

"Cybersecurity is already suffering from a skills shortage, making it difficult to find qualified candidates," according to a senior cyber intelligence analyst. This has is alarming implications for the UK's security and Brexit might amplify the problem. Read More

Brexit and UK fire exports: hazards on the roadmap ahead

Few sectors face steeper export barriers around standards and certifications. Whatever happens - revocation of Article 50 aside - the internationally renowned UK fire sector is scrambling to understand the ramifications of our impending EU departure and mitigate - at no little expense - the harms posed. Read More

Government ignored our warnings pre-Grenfell and Hackitt doesn’t go far enough: FPA

Grenfell was “predictable and preventable”, attendees at the FPA's annual Fire Summit heard recently. The impact on trade of Brexit was also addressed by speakers, who were broadly alarmed at the range of possible implications. Read More

WATCH: Deal or no deal, Brexit seems likely to undermine border security

Labour MP Yvette Cooper has accused the Border Force chief and a top Home Office official of “not being straight” with MPs about the ramifications of a no-deal Brexit. This video examines some of the crime-fighting tools, bodies and agreements at stake as the UK inches ever closer to exiting the world's largest trading bloc without a deal. Read More

Theresa May calls for new EU security treaty but status quo could be expensive to maintain

Theresa May has set out the government’s plans for a new framework for cooperation on security and defence once the […] Read More

Watch: Irish border conundrum and other Brexit security risks

From Europol membership to the Schengen Information System, the UK might lose access to myriad collaborative security tools. This video outlines several concerns about UK security post-Brexit that persist despite the deal struck last week. Read More

British Safety Council chief: Grenfell should mark ‘turning point’ in fire safety

The chief executive of the British Safety Council opened its annual conference this week by detailing the body’s plans for […] Read More


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2024 trends in physical security and critical communications

The Video Surveillance Report 2023

How cloud-based video surveillance can enable improved security for housing associations

EBOOK: Lessons from FIREX 2023 – Emerging challenges in fire safety

Return on Investment of Digital Access Management Solutions – Whitepaper for Critical Infrastructure Protection