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Adam Bannister is a contributor to IFSEC Global, having been in the role of Editor from 2014 through to November 2019. Adam also had stints as a journalist at cybersecurity publication, The Daily Swig, and as Managing Editor at Dynamis Online Media Group.
August 7, 2017


Lithium-Ion batteries. A guide to the fire risk that isn’t going away but can be managed


Wavestore launches version v6.8 of its video management software

Wavestore has launched v6.8 of its open-platform, Linux-based video management software (VMS).

The latest incarnation includes support for VMWare ESXi, which brings virtualization to the Wavestore VMS platform. Operators with virtual machines, which can license the VMS via the internet or a virtual-machine dongle, can reduce energy, software, and IT administration costs.

Version 6.8 also introduces to Wavestore’s WaveView client software dynamic search and instant display of ad-hoc groups of devices. For instance, type in ‘ground floor’ will filter down to all devices with ‘ground floor’ in its name.

“Our ‘one screen, total control’ philosophy drives us to ensure that our Partners can seamlessly bring a wide range of technologies together so that operators can easy work day-to-day with Wavestore’s VMS”, says Julian Inman, Head of Product Management.

“Wavestore’s VMS running in a virtualised environment can even be used in conjunction with traditional Wavestore NVRs/HVRs and the operator can simply see and control the entire mixed group from a single screen if they wish. We bring together multiple devices, such as cameras, access control, intruder detection and advanced analytics; and now multiple server technologies all with the same easy to use front end to deliver a fully scalable and future-proof solution”.

The latest version of Wavestore’s VMS will now integrate with the latest smart IP camera feature sets from Hikvision and Uniview, the AllGoVision analytics suite, while individual detection zones from Optex Redscan detectors can now be associated with specific actions.

Now shipping with all new orders, Wavestore v6.8 is available as an upgrade for existing users with active upgrade bundles. The package comes in a block of six successive in-version upgrades without any time limit imposed.

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